Friday, July 16, 2010

Sorkin plans directorial debut with The Politician

Aaron Sorkin is in my opinion one of the five best writers working today. Everything he touches is gold, whether it's Sports Night, Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip(yes I'm the guy who loved it!) orCharlie Wilson's War, the man knows his stuff. His real strength is politics, as evidenced by his stint on The West Wing. The one thing he hasn't done yet is direct one of his own projects. That's about to change.

Sorkin has optioned the rights to Andrew Young's riveting biography, The Politician:
An Insider’s Account of John Edwards’s Pursuit of the Presidency and the Scandal That Brought Him Down. John Edwards was the Democratic candidate in the 2008's presidential campaign who saw his career laid low after it surfaced that he fathered a child with his mistress, Rielle Hunter. For those who may have forgotten, Andrew Young actually stepped up and tried to take the heat off Edwards by claiming the father was his. All this while Edwards' wife was suffering the effects of cancer. You can't make this crap up, it's like a movie in itself. Sorkin will write and produce the film in addition to directing. 

Back in '08, I was a staunch Edwards supporter and I contributed a bunch of loot to his campaign. No, I wasn't immediately on the Obama bandwagon(he was my 3rd choice actually). Edwards had the charisma, charm, intellect, and a concrete strategy that neither Obama or Clinton had at the time. Fortunately he didn't win the Democratic nomination, because this scandal would've crushed him and we'd be looking at President Crankypants and VP Princess Dumbass right now.


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