Monday, May 16, 2011

Gaspar Noe to direct Bret Easton Ellis' The Golden Suicides?

Remember The Golden Suicides? Bret Easton Ellis was hired a couple of years ago to crank out a script based on a Vanity Fair article chronicling the sudden suicide deaths of eccentric artists Jeremy Blake and his girlfriend Theresa Duncan. Blake had previously worked with the musician, Beck, and had done some work on PT Anderson's Punch Drunk Love. The two had reported being stalked by Scientologists just days before their death. Gus Van Sant was consulting on the project, which must be nearing production because Screen Daily reports that Gaspar Noe(Enter the Void) is a contender to direct.

Noe is no stranger to headline grabbing material, having made his first big splash in 2002 with the controversial time bending film, Irreversible. Last year his Enter the Void found it's way on a number of top 10 lists.

For Ellis, he's had it good with the adaptations of his no elizations. Less Than Zero, American Psycho, and The Rules of Attraction all rock. The only one that truly stinks is The Informers, which strangely enough is the only one Ellis wrote himself. Funny that.

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