Monday, May 16, 2011

Luke Evans and Joel Edgerton vying for role in The Great Gatsby

There are a couple of major parts left for Baz Luhrmann to fill in his 3D(???) spectacular adaptation of The Great Gatsby. Those would be sleazy rich douche, Tom Buchanan, and sad sack gas station attendant George Miller. While we haven't heard much about who might play George, a couple of names have cropped up for Tom. Those would be Bradley Cooper and Ben Affleck. Cooper expressed interest but to my knowledge hasn't been offered anything, while Affleck had to pass so he could direct and star in Argo.  Now THR has the news two up and comers have entered the race: Luke Evans and Joel Edgerton.

Both have seen their names pop up for the same roles in a number of big time flicks. Evans big break came last year when he played Apollo in Clash of the Titans, which he then followed up opposite Russell Crowe in Robin Hood. He'll be showing up next in Tarsem Singh's gods and warriors epic, Immortals.

The Australian born Edgerton has seen his stock skyrocket after the critically acclaimed Animal Kingdom made waves during awards season. He's got two big movies lined up for the rest of 2011, one being the remake of The Thing, and the other his MMA drama, Warrior. Edgerton recently backed out of starring in Snow White and the Huntsman so he could topline Kathryn Bigelow's Kill Bin Laden.

Out of the two it's a no brainer who makes the better Tom Buchanan, and that's Luke Evans. Buchanan is a faded spoiled pretty boy,who is having an affair with George's wife, Myrtle. I can see Evans knocking that out of the park, whereas Edgerton is a bit too grizzled and tough.

The Great Gatsby features a remarkable cast including Leonardo Dicaprio, Carey Mulligan, Tobey Maguire, Isla Fisher, and Elizabeth Debicki.


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