Monday, October 31, 2011

Trailer Time: We Need To Talk About Kevin, starring Tilda Swinton and Ezra Miller

Between Beautiful Boy and Lynn Ramsay's upcoming film, We Need To Talk About Kevin, it's been a tough year for parents on the big screen. Both films deal in some way with parents trying to cope after their sons commit terrible, VA Tech style massacres.  Beautiful Boy was a decent film that I think wallowed too much in it's own misery, but I'm curious to see how Ramsay's movie shakes out. It's certainly been the focus of a lot of praise and admiration, not just for the director but for Tilda Swinton's heroic performance. It's opening in limited on December 9th to make sure it's open for an Oscar push, and then it'll expand some time next year.

A new trailer has been released, and it shows we're going to get more of a look into the forces which molded the boy(played by City Island's Ezra Miller) into what he eventually becomes, and how Swinton's character seems unprepared to do anything about it. I can't wait. Check it out below....


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