Friday, December 30, 2011

New toy merchandise gives better look at The Lizard in 'The Amazing Spider-Man'

This is what you get when it's a slow news week, like it always is between Christmas and New Year's. We've seen a glimpse of how Rhys Ifans might look in The Amazing Spider-Man through other types of merchandise before, such as the PEZ™ dispenser from a few weeks ago, and now here is another in the form of some sort of toy remote control. Thanks to Idle Hands for these images....

That final image comes from the action figure set that will be released next summer to tie-in with Marc Webb's film. You can bet our friends at Entertainment Earth will have all of your Spider-Man collectible needs in plenty of time for you to pre-order.

The Amazing Spider-Man will open next year on July 3rd!


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