Monday, January 30, 2012

Trailer Time: 'The Cold Light of Day', starring Henry Cavill and Bruce Willis

Considering the amount of crap Bruce Willis continually throws our way, it's amazing how little damage it's done to his career. Sure he pads out the straight-to-DVD junk with the occasional solid flick like Red or....damn, has he had any other good movies in the last few years? Whatever, the point is he's become less choosey, even going so far as to star in a bad Taken knock off featuring your future Superman, Henry Cavill.

The Cold Light of Day comes from French director Mabrouk El Mechri, whose claim to fame up to this point is the Jean Claude Van Damme meta crime flick, JCVD. Cavill stars as a man who discovers a government conspiracy while trying to rescue his family after they were kidnapped while on vacation in Spain. Willis plays his Dad, and he turns out to be considerably more than he appears to be. Like in a John McClane sorta way. It's Bruce Willis, of course he's a badass.  Sigourney Weaver appears to be totally phoning it in here as the stock villain, who wants whatever is in that McGuffin briefcase.

This looks pretty terrible, but considering it's due to open on April 6th and we're really only just now hearing anything about it, I wouldn't worry too much about it being in a theater near you. Check out the trailer below....


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