Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Ridley Scott signs on to direct Cormac McCarthy's 'The Counselor'

Some writers wait years to sell their first finished screenplay. Hell, most don't ever sell them. They have even less of a shot of seeing them every reach the stage where a director is attached. But when you're legendary scribe Cormac McCarthy it takes....oh, about two weeks. Earlier this month we learned he had sold his first original screenplay, The Counselor, a No Country for Old Men style flick about a lawyer who gets too deep into the drug trade and has to fight his way back out. And now the film has a director in Ridley Scott attached to it. Not too bad.

Then again, this all depends on whether or not Scott ever gets around to it, because frankly he has a shit ton of movies his name is attached to that are just sitting around collecting dust. Remember that Gertrude Bell biopic with Angelina Jolie? Remember Monopoly? Yeah, and that's only about the half of it. That Blade Runner sequel can't be far behind, either.

I have to believe that with the rarity of a project such as this, producers are going to force Scott to make a decision on a start date sooner rather than later. Ridley Scott is currently putting the finishing touches on Prometheus, which should hit theaters on June 8th! [Deadline]


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