Thursday, February 28, 2013

Rumor killer: No Simon Pegg in 'Star Wars'; 'Ghostbusters 3' not animated; No 'Planet Hulk' movie

A lot of rumors for some big films have  cropped up over the last few days, and all at once they seem to have been given the smack down. The biggest by far had Simon Pegg lined up to join his Star Trek Into Darkness director J.J. Abrams for a future Star Wars film. Alfonso Cuaron's name was also put out there as a potential director, but there was no credible source given as to where any of this came from. Now Pegg has taken to Twitter to cleverly shoot rumors of his involvement down...

"No idea where this silly rumour about me attached to the new 'Star Wars' film came from but I can confirm that it's absolute Bantha poodoo"

It made at least a little bit of sense, but right now there will be no Darth Sidious Pegg running around Star Wars: Episode VII.

Ghostbusters 3 has had more than its share of problems, which we all know, and for the most part I've decided to stay out of the rumor-mongering that's been going on. Without Bill Murray there's no reason to care, anyway. But the ongoing development took an interesting turn when Bloody Disgusting suggested that Sony may want to make it an animated feature. Now that I might not be so upset about, and it seems like a more natural fit than just another live-action film with older stars. There was some meat to the rumor, as well, as Sony did in fact have plans to make an animated film back in 2007, but it evolved into the 2009 console video game.

Comingsoon had a chance to speak with the studio, though, and they say there are no plans to animated Ghostbusters 3. So we're going to be stuck with Ivan Retiman, Dan Akroyd, Harold Ramis, and Ernie Hudson in whatever the story is going to entail. They'll likely be passing the torch to a younger generation of ghostbuster.

Earlier this month we were stunned by a huge story that suggested Marvel was planning to center their Phase 3 agenda around The Hulk. This would have included a version of the Planet Hulk storyline, in which he's left stranded in space by his friends, landing on a gladiatorial world where he must fight to survive. This would include a possible Hulk solo film, and a starring turn in The Avengers 3 when he returns to Earth and seeks revenge on his old colleagues. It was a remarkable story, if true, but AICN has now tapped into their sources who say none of that is remotely true....

"According to my source, this just isn't happening - not as long as Marvel's got Mark Ruffalo committed to a six-picture deal as Bruce Banner. And that's the primary issue with PLANET HULK: Banner isn't in it at all (unless you count the WHAT IF... story where Banner is immediately killed upon reaching Sakaar).

To make sure, I went to a another source for confirmation, and they backed up every detail. PLANET HULK isn't happening."

It makes sense they'd want to put an emphasis on Banner with an actor like Ruffalo on board, so the logic seems sound. I still think at some point we may see elements of Planet Hulk/World War Hulk play out in different ways, though. 


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